From our test, script average scanning results with 50 batch size settings can output 1 to 3 validations per second in a single request. Which leads to validate average 150,000 emails per day by a user. But still, the timing delay on the scan depends on server to server socket connection. Your server will respond quickly as you start verification but if the target email server delays connection to your server then it will delay the scan process and nobody has control over this. Not even email verifier pro! It will try verifying the selected email addresses and waits for target server’s final response until it completes any.
There are some cases where user ends uploading mixed of emails, where some emails have complete connection failure or bad response data, it’s not the fault of the script but the fault of the target server. For these types of emails, our script tries to wait until default connection timeout of 10 sec passed on that target server. It’s better if you add those email addresses as in disposable email list from the settings panel of the script so our script skips them right away. Our script comes with a disposable email list already but it does not contain world all disposable addresses.
Though also, you may try following the given suggestions below. But we do not guarantee that it will boost the scan process if your server failing or making a slow connection to a target email server and target server delaying with the response to your server.
Possible Solution:
- Try out a different server.
- Disable any firewall/Antivirus/Mod Security on your server.
- Increase PHP execution and apache timeout limit.
- Your IP should not be blacklisted in the internet blacklist database! Replace IP from VPS provider or delist it from DNSBL, if its blacklisted.
- Reverse DNS, PTR record exists.
- Not using a proxy/CDN.